Move existing account to MultiSite Print

  • 3

If you have an existing cPanel hosting account, that you'd like to move into a Multisite account, here's a rough outline of the procedure:

1) Download all your site files from your source hosting account

2) Download any MySQL databases that your source site uses from your the source site's hosting account (if it uses databases)

3) Download any email that you want to keep from your source account’s mailboxes mailboxes

4) Terminate the source hosting account

5) Create an add on domain within the multisite package for the site being moved

6) Upload your site files to the document root of the add on domain within the multisite package

7) Create a database within the multisite package (if the site being added uses a database)

8) Create a database user (if the site being added uses a database)

9) Add a user to this database granting all privileges when doing so (if the site being added uses a database)

10) Upload the database you downloaded in step 2 to the database you created in step 7 (if the site being added uses a database)

11) Correct any configuration files your site uses that defines the database, database user and database password with what you set up in steps 7 and 8 (if the site being added uses a database)

12) Recreate any mailboxes from your source hosting account within the multisite package

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